Building a diverse property portfolio: Strategies and tips - TAB U Podcast - S4 E6 - #TABUniversity

Want to know more on how you can build a diverse property portfolio? Then this TAB University podcast episode is for you!

TAB University host Katrina is joined by Nick and special guest Investor and Development Principal Daren Burney. In this episode, we'll be exploring building a diverse property portfolio and asking Daren questions such as:

1. What does it mean to have a diverse property portfolio?

2. How can I build a device property portfolio?

3. What are the benefits of having a diverse property portfolio?

4. What kind of property should I consider including in my diverse property portfolio?

5. What strategies or approaches can I use to diversify my portfolio?

Show notes:

Daren Burney Linkedin:

The Burney Group:

TAB University:

This podcast is for information only and does not constitute advice or a personal recommendation. When it comes to financing, any property used as security is at risk of repossession if you do not keep up with your payments. If you are unsure of the risks, you are advised to obtain appropriate professional advice.

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