A day in the life of Samuel Morris, lending associate

Wake up and get myself to the gym to get my day started!

First of many coffees throughout the day. I go to the coffee shop outside of the gym and catch up on any calls and emails on my phone.

I get to the office around 8:00am and will get some of the delicious breakfast made by our in-house chef and start making my way through my inbox.

We will either meet as a sales team and discuss our priorities and our pipeline, otherwise I may have my first appointment of the day with one of our brokers?

Any calls or emails that I missed due to my first meeting, I will ensure to return and get back to.

By late morning, my inbox will have a batch of deals stacked up so I will work my way through these and start getting proposals together to send out.

Lunch! If I am in the office, I will eat some of the fresh food prepared by chef, on other days I could be going to a lunch meeting with current or potential investors.

After lunch, its time for an espresso for sure! Then i'll hit send on some emails with our proposals attached. Additionally, respond to any enquiries that have come through and action accordingly.

For the rest of the afternooon, it is safe to say that I am on and off the phone and juggling any additional inbound enquiries and questions that come in. As well as reaching out to people who don't necessarily know us yet.

Usually, if it is sunny outside then my phone will start to quiet down as the pubs seem to get busier. This gives me a great opportunity to get some admins tasks done.

I finish for the day, drive home and get cracking with dinner, and then ideally get an early night and get ready to do it all over again tommorow!
TAB's quick fire questions
How long have you worked at TAB?
I have worked at TAB since the summer of 2021 following a series of roles in property auctions, investment agency and development finance.
All have proven exceptionally valuable and have taught me more than I had even realised by the time I joined TAB.
Need I say the cliche..? Every day is still a school day!
What does your role at TAB involve?
My role is focussed around origination and business development for the business. My day to day responsibilities can vary, but ultimately come back to making sure that our brokers and borrowers know exactly who we are, what we do and how to get their business placed with us. Once that’s been achieved, I remain on hand to ensure their journey working with us remains as seamless as possible and that the level of service is kept to the absolute maximum!
What’s the best thing about working at TAB?
As cringey as it might be, the answer to this HAS to be the wonderful people around me. This is definitely down to the senior teams belief that it’s important to surround oneself with good people.
This all translates to an amazing culture in our business and makes working alongside my colleagues a real pleasure. I’ve seen that people can make or break a business environment, so I count myself lucky to have these great people around me every day.
What is your favourite band or artist?
Wow this really does change daily. Something up-beat is always good!
If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
I would love to be fluent in every language.
What is your favourite restaurant?
Not fussy - just make sure it’s nice!
What is your favourite holiday destination?
TBC! I need to keep visiting more and more places, so I can actually decide!
What is your daily coffee intake?
Only two to three… in the morning. Then some more through the day.