A day in the life of… Sagar Bharadia, Software Engineer

Wake up, have a quick shower then enjoy some fresh air.

Get to work, and sometimes have a croissant from our provided breakfast, otherwise make a quick coffee and plan my day.

Have a quick catchup with the team and see what everyone’s working on and if anyone needs anything or any help / guidance.

Review some pull requests on the various projects we have going on, as well as providing guidance / improvements if needed or commendations if executed well.

Lunch, eat some lunch from our chef, usually with some salad and play some pool and if it is sunny outside, I will go for a walk.

Power through some of my own tasks and features in my pipeline, keeping eye on systems, anything running slowly or not as expected is addressed immediately if possible, otherwise it will be actioned within 24hours.

Another quick catchup with the team towards the end of the day to see how they got on, any questions / help.

Tying up any pieces of work making sure they are in a good place allows me to pick up from where I left off the next day. I’ll sometimes have end of day meetings to check in on progress.
Finish work and drive to the gym.

Get home and make some dinner and then watch TV or work on some of my personal projects.

Our software engineer, Sagar Bharadia provides details on some of the challenges he tackles as one of TAB’s in-house technology team and how he likes to relax away from the office.
How long have you worked at TAB?
I joined TAB in July 2021. Before TAB, I worked at an agency where our primary product was an all in one content management system (CMS), managing everything from product stock, ecommerce and warehouses down to basic websites where only content is needed. Prior to this, I was at De Montfort University where I graduated with a First in BSc Computer Science, achieving 92% in my dissertation.
What does your role at TAB involve?
My role at TAB involves almost anything and everything to do with technology including managing infrastructure and detecting any bottlenecks, helping the other software engineers, reviewing fixes and features submitted for completion, testing and discussing priorities with Mark, the technology director.
What’s the best thing about working at TAB?
Definitely the people! We have an excellent team that’s willing to educate you on different aspects of the business, even if it's not your department. The layout of the office is open plan, so it is super easy to collaborate and get answers quickly, due to most of the team being in the office.
What is your daily coffee intake?
Around two to three cups a day, saying it out load, maybe I need to cut down?
Who is your favourite band or artist?
If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
Flying, being able to see everything from a birds eye view and permanently feel like you're on a plane.
What is your favourite restaurant?
Grounded kitchen, it's a Korean restaurant which do nourishment bowls with rice or noodles. So so good!
What is your favourite holiday destination?
Anywhere hot or with a lot of nature, like Spain or Portugal. I also love dune riding, so any desert!