How to verify your identity

We use third party provide Plaid for our customer identity checks. To complete the verification, you will need:
- a smartphone with a working camera
- photo ID - passport, driving licence or residency permit. Your chosen document must include your photograph and not have expired.
Follow the verification steps below. If you have any questions or problems onboarding, please get in touch with our investor relations team here.
1. You will be asked to provide:
- your full name as it appears on official documents.
- date of birth
- current residential address

2. Provide your full name and phone number int the required boxes. Plaid will send you an SMS text message with a five digit code to verify your phone number.
3. Enter the verification code into the five-digit box provided.

4. Please then enter your address and date of birth
5. When you are ready, please scan the QR code with your phone's camera
6. Take a photo of your chosen ID card
The technology works best when your document is placed on a well-lit, flat, dark-coloured surface away from direct light which can cause glare. We recommend that you take the photo from directly above the document and not at an angle. Do not obstruct or hold the edges of the documents with your fingers.
Please ensure that the photo is:
- clear
- has no glare or reflections
- all the edges of the document are included

7. Next, you will be taken to a page providing instructions for taking a selfie to verify your identity.
Please ensure you:
- take a live, contemporaneous photo of yourself
- use your front camera
- look directly at the camera with your whole face visible
- remove glasses or hats
- Take against a plain background i.e. wall or door.
8. When you are ready, take a selfie image. As with the document image capture you can also view your selfie and retake if necessary.
9. Confirm you are happy the selfie image is clear.
10. Once you have taken your selfie, you can proceed with your application.