Mental Health Awareness Week 2024: Small changes for big impact

Mental Health Awareness Week 13 May - 17 May 2024

Our team has put together their favourite tips, apps, podcasts and quick exercises in this infographic. 

From two-minute meditation sessions to uplifting music to desk stretches, you'll find a variety of accessible ideas to try.

The key is to start small and experiment until you find what works best for you. Even tiny steps like taking a few deep breaths, jotting down a gratitude note, or dancing to an energising song can provide a mental reset.

We hope this infographic inspires you to weave bite-sized pockets of self-care into your daily routine. Remember, prioritising your mental health is a sign of strength, not weakness. Let's build resilience together, one small win at a time.

Check out the infographic below and give some of our team's recommendations a try this week!

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Education - Mental Health Awareness Week 2024: Small changes for big impact
Links to charities that support mental health: 
  1. Mind: Mind Official Website
  2. MindOut: MindOut
  3. Samaritans: Samaritans
  4. Young Minds: Young Minds
  5. CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably): CALM
  6. The Mental Health Foundation: Mental Health Foundation
  7. Rethink Mental Illness: Rethink Mental Illness
  8. Anxiety UK: Anxiety UK
This article is for information only and to provide people with tips and insights into property investment. It does not constitute advice or a personal recommendation.

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